Monday, August 9, 2010

Vegetable Embryos

You know what creeps me out? When I cut into a pepper, be it green, yellow or red...makes no matter, only to find another little pepper growing inside. It's almost as bad as the slimy little white things that cling to the yolk of an egg that you think is the beginnings of a little embryo. Oh for criminy sake, it's a vegie embryo. Gross.

Why am I even eating peppers when my new ayurvedic naturopath explicitly told me not to? Because I want to! I can't give them up! I won't.


  1. damn you are stubborn. maybe you should eat them with scrambled chalaza.

  2. I've lived this long eating them. I don't think another 30-40 years will kill me, huh. Seriously.
