Saturday, August 14, 2010

Too Hot? Write. Just Write.

Dog days of summer, me arse. I say, “Phooey” on the dog days of summer. Phooey. Blech. Bah humbug. Sun worshipers, picnickers, nature enthusiasts, campers, runners & bicyclists exerting themselves in 80-90 degree heat who think that the summer months offer up the ideal weather to pursue their activities? Y’all can have it. I’m holing up in my apartment, blinds drawn against the merciless sun, windows closed, sweating and sweltering while I lay on my couch reading. (Please note the em-pha-sis I place on “sweating while I lay.” This is not right…sweating while lying down.)

My time will come. Oh, it definitely will come. Within another week or so, I'll open my door one morning and catch its first hint. That certain snap to the air will begin ever-so-slightly and gain momentum. Nights a bit crisper. Morning dew on the car as I head out on my daily commute. Days drawing shorter. Twilight softer. This is my time to be active. Walking, leaves crunching underfoot. Simmering soups and stews. Oven blazing like a furnace turning out pumpkin bread. The fecund, sweet scent of the earth offering up it’s late last harvest and wrapping in on itself to slumber for a season. Yes. This is my time. Soon.

Just what are the “dog days of summer?” That’s exactly what I was wondering too. Come to find out that the dog days of summer occur July – August and originated from the alpha star, Sirius, in the constellation Canis Major (Big Dog). So I’m told that Sirius is the brightest star next to the sun and in the winter one can see it easily. However in the summer, as it reaches closer proximity to the light of the overpowering sun, it virtually disappears (just like me behind my blinds and closed doors). Now those clever ancient Romans believed that Sirius, this madly bright star, drew closer to the sun in the summer months to add its warmth to its fiercely hot neighbor, the Sun, and thereby producing the hottest months of the year. Sirius means “scorching.” Go figure. Bah humbug.


  1. 2 blocks away, while sitting in the cool confine of my air conditioned home, Cora and I are considering a walk to Target around 7. Will it still be sweltering? WE shall see.

  2. You and your AC be damned! :) Call me. I may want to come to Target.
