Thursday, August 5, 2010

Inevitable Continuation

My sister sent me an email the other day. The email was not a necessarily newsworthy event as I frequently get little email quips from her like, "Check this website out," or "Going to Gabriel's birthday party tonight. Wanna come?" or "Oooooo (with a travel or food website link attached)" But this email hit me in the gut. And I like that. A good swift kick to the backside or a well placed smack to the solar plexus. The subject line of the email read "When" and continued on "will we get to hear more from Penelope? as in the sequel to "making a giant f**king mess with penelope."

I am keeping that email from her in my In Box to remind me to...write. Write. Just write.

Both my sister and I enjoy writing. Enjoy? enjoy the right word? Let's say that writing brings us great joy. A lot of satisfaction. It can be very challenging at times but yes, a great deal of satisfaction. I write because I breathe. I am finding that it is as inherent to me as breath. Do I want people to read my writing? No. Not necessarily. I get embarrassed. I don't like the attention. So why do I write?

HA! I'll tell you why I write. I wrote about why I write some time ago (let's say 5 years ago, k?) and am amazed that I was even able to capture "why" in words. I write because:

“There’s nothing more satisfying than writing a beautifully constructed sentence, a perfectly chosen adjective or transforming the beauty that you see or feel into eternity. Even if the content is ordinary or mundane, if the words are creatively woven, then the spell is cast and the writer—and reader—are engaged in the enchantment, the brilliance and ingenuity of the written word…the discovery.”

Writing clears my brain. It focuses me. It adds weight to my emotions. Making them tangible. Real. Often times I live in PaulaLand or PenelopeLand. These "lands" are my utopia. And writing brings utopia to my life.

So I WILL continue writing. I will make the effort. I will make the effort for my very sanity. If I don't write for a few days or weeks, I will not feel guilty (ok...deep down I will but won't admit it). But I WILL make the effort. Why? Because I want to dream. And dream big.

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